Thank you HARDER X FASTER! (with Artists' greetings)
We don't usually type out paragraphs about past events - we're more the forward-looking type - but this time feels a bit different. You felt it too, didn't you?

Now that a few days have passed, the dust settled, a number of jet lags almost cleared, it's time to reflect back on what happened last weekend.
We don't usually type out paragraphs about past events - we're more the forward-looking type - but this time feels a bit different. You felt it too, didn't you?
First a massive thank you to the following people behind the scenes, who were instrumental in making the event a success.
Production: SadeN, Hexexen
Crew: THMZ, RonRon, Aversal
VJ: 華子 [Hanako]
Street Crew: Moon Shine, Eri, Seba, ananaslapsi, Kehveli
Friday VJs: Aversal, Yukata
Thank you Matsu for the special brewery operations, and Topsu for additional beer logistics. Thank you Eemeli for day-of/venue production.
The artists' regards
Next up, we asked Saturday's artists for messages they'd like to share with you, the partygoers that made last weekend the magical experience it was.
In order of appearance:
No Hero
No words can describe the amount of overwhelming support and energy everyone showed at Harder x Faster, which has easily become a part of my core memories. Such amazing performers, crowd and people that I got to meet from around the world and an incredible atmosphere all evening!
Alek Szahala
It was fun to play again after a long break and to see how alive the rave scene is in Finland again! Big thanks to the organizers, fellow artists and DJs, and everyone who attended and made the event as great as it was!
Savage States
I know many people have never seen Savage States play before this time, but I'm so happy you all enjoyed my set 🙏😎
Keep on liking what you like 😊 I hope see you again soon 🫶
Kiitos 🇫🇮
You'd never guess from the quiet cityscape, but come evening the venue really came alive and gave way for one hell of a night!
I don't play overseas often and, in all honesty, I was worried whether all that many people in Finland could be listening to my music. However, all those doubts vanished the second I entered that concert hall.
I was really happy to meet so many more people than I could've expected, including long-time fans and those familiar with my earlier works, from before my current style. Their warm words and the way they enjoyed my live performance have become irreplaceable memories for me.
日本から遠く離れた場所でこれほど多くの方々が集まってくれたことに感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです!そしてこの素晴らしい機会を作り、常にサポートしてくれたNeonyaǃǃ Partyのスタッフや関係者の皆様にも心から感謝しています。皆さんの支えがなければ、このような素晴らしい体験は実現できなかったと思います!
It fills me with gratitude that so many people came together somewhere so far away from Japan for this!
Furthermore, from the bottom of my heart, I'd like to thank the Neonya!! Party staff and everyone involved in creating this wonderful opportunity.
This splendid experience wouldn't have been possible without everybody's support!
I look forward to the day we can meet again.
Over the past few years, based on the chatter and such from my stream performances on the internet, I'd experienced some of the excitement for our works overseas.
This was my first live performance abroad, and nothing from the streams could've prepared me for the level of enthusiasm I felt from everyone while on stage. I was also surprised by everyone's endurance, as I don't usually do 60-minute live sets in Japan.
パーティーに来てくれた皆さん、今回は本当にありがとうございました!そして何より、このスペシャルな機会を与えてくれたNeonyaǃǃ Partyのレジデントの皆さんにも最大限の感謝を。
To everyone who came to the party, thank you so much! And finally, above all, I'd like to express my deepest gratitude to the residents of Neonya!! Party for affording me this special opportunity.
Looking forward to seeing all of you again another time!
Wow Neonya sure knows how to party! One of the most hype gigs I’ve had the privilege of both playing and attending in recent times, and it was incredible to hear how far and wide people travelled from. You guys are the best 🔥
Mättö Mättö Män
The PLUR culture was strongly present at the event. I think it's the most important thing and on the same level as music. Everyone did their best and even more: Artists, organizers, venue staff and of course the audience. Neonya!! Party events are for you, the ravers. Only in dreams can you experience something like this, unless you were there when it was reality.
From SadeN & Hexexen
Finally, some personal thoughts from us, the duo heading this crazy effort.
Last Saturday was quite simply the best night of my life. In the five years we've been doing this, I don't think it's ever really hit me before that we have built something incredibly special. Our community has always been in a class of its own in terms of inclusivity and respect, but seeing over 1000 people from more countries than I know to list here united under one roof to enjoy our favorite artists together finally yanked open some sort of a faucet of emotion. The vibe in that hall was magical, and for one night I had everything I'd wanted in this endeavor.
The journey has been hard, but I'm glad we've come here, and I think I want to go further still. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
The weekend was by far the biggest and craziest thing we've ever done and I think it'll take a good while for me to understand what just happened. The last weeks before the event were extremely stressful: We had flown so close to the sun, what if someone now gets sick, flights get cancelled or what if something else beyond our control goes wrong and we end up disappointing all the people who had trusted us so much that they'd come to Tampere, of all places, from near and far, across the world and half a globe away. When the doors and the delayed VIP area finally opened, it was a massive weight off from my shoul ders and I could finally breathe easily.
Seeing many of my all-time favourite artists playing at our event, to a 1000-strong roaring audience who also couldn't have believed to see them live is something I will never forget. After our first live events four years ago I told SadeN that I want to see how high we can take this rocket. I think we've just left Earth's atmosphere and ignited our second stage burners.
Now what?
Is there anything you would like to tell us, on the other hand?
We've set up an entirely free-form, anonymous feedback thingy here.
Whatever you send us, we will read it.
Next up we'll be posting photos from the event, maybe videos, updates on upcoming things, that sort of stuff.
In the meanwhile you're highly encouraged to join our exceedingly friendly Discord, and to subscribe to this very website so that you'll always be among the very first to hear about our new events and goings-on, guaranteed. We do not share your address with anyone, and we don't post junk.
And, once more: Thank you for being a part of the Neonya!! story!