ONE WEEK TO GO until PRIZMATIC OVERDRIVE with t+pazolite, RoughSketch, Gram & more!

ONE WEEK TO GO until PRIZMATIC OVERDRIVE with t+pazolite, RoughSketch, Gram & more!

PRIZMATIC OVERDRIVE, our biggest party to date, is just around the corner!
The two-day event takes place across two venues in Tampere next weekend, March 7th & 8th.

Buy tickets now!

VIP tickets are over 80% gone, and if you haven't picked up a ticket yet, now is the time! Note that last-minute tickets from the door are more expensive.

Saturday's VIP perks:

  • Access to Tavara-Asema's second floor balcony with unparelled views to the stage
  • VIP entrance
  • VIP only bar
  • VIP only restrooms

(Friday's event at Tuulensuun Palatsi has no VIP facilities. Please note that the VIP balcony and facilities are not wheelchair accessible.)

See the main event page for all the details, lineup etc.

The event schedule will be released this weekend – keep your eyes peeled!
